Traveling abroad, I found myself amazed at the scenery of the countries I've visited. However, when people ask me where I'm from, I realize how proud I am to be from Idaho, and how much I love being from Boise. On the Map below, I've Circled Idaho and marked where the Capital Boise is.
My state doesn't have any coastline, none of our cities are more than a million, we have barely been a state for over a century. But Idaho is beautiful.The picture below is of the Sawtooth mountains in the North West of the State.

Here is my big brother hiking into the Sawtooth mountains earlier this summer.
Whenever I fly back into town after being away, the rolling, brown hills always make me feel home. The hills are the loyal background to every cityscape of Boise.

In Idaho, the summers are often too hot, the winters are freezing, but we have 4 real seasons.
Here is the Boise neighborhood I lived in as a teenager, the highest hill in the background is called Lucky Peak. I could see the hills from the windows of my bedroom.
I love biking in the hills, I used to do it all the time a few years ago--whenever I leave town for awhile, I start to miss biking in the hills the most. I took the two pictures below a couple of years ago on a bikeride.
My friend recorded me coming down a hill once, one of the few times I was wearing my helmet
And I crashed pretty bad, but thanks to my cat-like reflexes, I was able to pop back up again.
I was OK except for a scratched knee and elbow!
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